Công bố năm 1979

Nguyễn Văn Thu, Multiply self-decomposable prob measures on Banach spaces., Studia Math. 66 (1979), 161 - 175

Nguyễn Văn Thu, Multiply self-decomposable prob. measures on generalized convolution algebras, Studia Math. 66 (1979), 855 - 861

Ngô Việt Trung, Uber die ubertragung der Ringeigenschaften zwischen R und R[u]/(F), Math. Nachr. 92 (1979), 215 - 229

Ngô Việt Trung, On the symbolic powers of determinantal ideals, J. Algebra 58 (1979), 361 - 369

Trần Mạnh Tuấn, The use of computers in application of statistical methods in Vietnam, In: Proc. of the Inter. Conference on the application of mathematical methods and computational techniques, Hanoi, 1979, 296 - 302 (in Russian).

Hoàng Tụy, Pivotal methods for computing equilibrium points: unified approach and new restart algorithm, Math. Programming 16 (1979), 210 - 227

Hoàng Tụy, Combinatorial method for solving nonlinear equations in finite-dimensional and infinite-dimensional spaces, Acta Math. Vietnam. 4 (1979), 110 - 135

Trần Đức Vân, On nontriviality of Sobolev spaces with weights of infinite order and solvability of boundary value problem for nonlinear equations, Differ. Uravn. 15 (1979), 507 - 513; English transl.: Differential Equations, 15 (1979), 354 - 358

Trần Đức Vân, Some extensions of the theory of quasianalytic classes, Proc. of Moscow Power Engineering Institute, 412 (1979), 120 - 124 (in Russian).