Trần Đức Vân, Sobolev spaces of infinite order with weights in a layer and solvability of boundary value problem for degenerate nonlinear elliptic equations, Dokl. Acad. Nauk SSSR 240 (1978), 794 - 797. English transl.: Soviet Math. Dokl. 19 (1978), 699 - 702
Trần Đức Vân, Boundary value problems for nonlinear degenerate ordinary differential equations of infinite order, Differ. Uravn. 14 (1978), 2002 - 2011; English transl.: Differential Equations 14 (1978)
Trần Đức Vân, V. I. Korzuk, Normal solvability of transmission problems for elliptic equations, Izv. Akad. Nauk BSSR, Ser. Math. 6 (1978), 30 - 36 (in Russian).
Trần Đức Vân, V. I. Korzuk, Mozolevskii, Transmission problems for some elliptic systems, In: Proc. of USSR conference on ``Theory of Partial Differential equations", MGU, Moscow, 1978, 215 - 217 (in Russian).
Trần Đức Vân, Solvability of some nonlinear differential equations of infinite orderIn: Proc. of USSR Summer School on Theory of Operator, Minsk, 1978, 159 - 160, In: Proc. of USSR Summer School on Theory of Operator, Minsk, 1978, 159 - 160 (in Russian).
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Đỗ Ngọc Diệp, The structure of C*-algebras of type I, Vestnik Moskov. Uni., 1978, 81 - 87