Xuất bản mới
Cấn Văn Hảo, Naoki Kubota, Shuta Nakajima, Lipschitz-Type Estimate for the Frog Model with Bernoulli Initial Configuration, Mathematical Physics, Analysis and Geometry, Volume 28, article number 1, (2025) (SCI-E, Scopus) .
Đoàn Thái Sơn, Phan Thị Hương, Peter E. Kloeden, Theta-scheme for solving Caputo fractional differential equations, Electronic Journal of Differential Equations, Vol. 2025 (2025), No. 05, pp. 1-13 (SCI-E, Scopus) .
Đinh Sĩ Tiệp, Guo Feng, Nguyễn Hồng Đức, Phạm Tiến Sơn, Computation of the Łojasiewicz exponents of real bivariate analytic functions, Manuscripta Mathematica . Volume 176, 1 (2025) (SCI-E, Scopus) .

On strongly quasiconvex functions (part II): proximal point algorithms and open problems

Người báo cáo: Felipe Lara (University of Tarapacá in Arica, Chile)

Time: 9:00 - 10:00 AM, Date: March 29th, 2023 (Wednesday)

Location: Room 612, building A6, Institute of Mathematics (18 Hoang Quoc Viet, Cau Giay, Hanoi)

Abstract: In this talk, we study the convergence of the proximal point algorithm (PPA henceforth) for the minimization problem of strongly quasiconvex functions and its accelerations as the inertial-relaxed versions as well as its generalization for Bregman distances. Furthermore, we extend this analysis to pseudomonotone equilibrium problems. Moreover, and using the study of the subgradient projection method with the strong subdifferential, we present two extragradient methods for dealing with pseudomonotone equilibrium problems. Finally, we present two open problems; connections between generalized convexity and generalized monotonicity and optimality conditions for the sum of two functions in which one of them is nonsmooth and strongly quasiconvex.