Công bố năm 1987

On the applicability for differential operators of infinite order,, Acta Math. Vietnam. 12 (1987), 67 - 73 (in Russian).

On a generalization of the Polya theorem., Mat. Anal. i Prilozen, 19, Izdat. Rostov-on-Don, 1987, 37 - 46 (in Russian).

Some problems of the theory of functional spaces of infinite order., Ph. D. Thesis, Hanoi Inst. Math., 1987, 115 p. (in Vietnamese).

A density result with application in relaxation of nonconvex differential equations., J. Math. Analysis Appl 124 (1987), 1 - 14.

On the convergence of armats in Orlicz spaces., Ann. Univ. Sci. Budapest. Eotvos, Sect. Math. 30 (1987), 231 - 239.

Contingent cone to the solution set of an inclusion system and optimization problems involving set-valued maps,, In: Essays on Nonlinear Analysis and Optimization, Hanoi -1987, 43 - 59

On the Langlands type discrete groups I. The Borel-Serre compactification., Acta Math. Vietnam. 12 (1987), 41 - 54.

Oseen plane flow of viscous fluid around the obstacles., Acta Math. Vietnam. 12 (1987), 73 - 78.

On the inversion formulas for the integral representation of $e^{\lambda x}$-analytic functions and their application., Acta Math. Vietnam. 12 (1987), 3 - 15.

Finding the global extremum of a polynomial function., In: Essays on nonlinear analysis and optimization problems, 111 - 120, Nat. Center Sci. Res., Inst. Math., Hanoi, 1987.

The Sard's theorem for a class of locally Lipschitz mappings., Sem. Convex Anal. Montpellier 9 (1987), 1 - 14.

Approximating an optimal control problem of quantum processes by the finite element method., Acta Math. Vietnam. 12 (1987), 135 - 146.

The problems of pursuit in linear discrete games with many players and integral constraints on controls., Acta Math. Vietnam. 12 (1987), 17 - 40 (in Russian).

The method of pursuit in linear discrete games with many players,, I. Acta Math. Vietnam. 12 (1987), 73 - 92 (in Russian).

Scalarization of vector optimization problems., J. Optim. Theory Appl. 55 (1987), 346 - 354.

Connectedness of the efficient point sets in quasiconcave maximization., J. Math. Anal. Appl. 55 (1987), 85 - 102.

Convexity and closedness with respect to cones., Optimization 18 (1987), 785 - 789.

A closedness theorem for nonconvex sets., In: Essays on Nonlinear Analysis and Optimization Problems, Hanoi, 1987, 29 - 35.

The problem V of generalized analytic vectors., Bull. Acad. Sci. Georgian SSR 128 (1987), 265 - 268, (in Russian).

On sufficient optimality conditions under constraints., Tạp chí Toán học 15 (1987), No 1, 3 - 8 (in Vietnamese).