Công bố năm 1987

Global minimization of a difference of two convex functions, Math. Programming Study 30 (1987), 150 - 182.

A note on the out-of-kilter algorithm for solving the minimum-cost flow problem, Industrial Engineering J. 16:4 (1987), 20 - 37.

Convex programs with an additional reverse convex constraint, J. Optim. Theory Appl. 52 (1987), 463 - 486

A class of exhaustive cone splitting procedures in conical algorithms for concave minimization, Optimization 18 (1987), 791 - 807

An implicit space covering method with applications to fixed point and global optimization problems, Acta Math. Vietnam. 12:2 (1987), 162 - 170

On ambiguity of DTOL-systems, In: Lecture Notes in Comput. Sci. 287 (1987), 3 - 14

The differential operators of infinite order : theory and applications, Tạp chí Toán học 14 (1987), 1 - 18 (in Vietnamese).

The minimal model of the Fermat curve, In: Proc. of the All-Union XIX Conference on Algebra, Lvov, September 1987, Part II, 97 - 102 (in Russian).

Fixed point theorems for random operators of contraction type without hypotheses of continuity, Acta Math. Vietnam. 12 (1987), 79 - 86. Nguyễn Đông Yên, Implicit function theorems for set-valued maps. Acta Math. Vietnam. 12 (1987), 17 - 28

The Kontorovich-Lebedev integral transformation in a new class of functions, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR 29 (1985), 11 - 14; English transl.: Amer. Math. Soc. Transl. 137(1987), 61 - 65

Remarks on measurable function spaces, Acta Math. Vietnam. 12 (1987), 85 - 92