Công bố năm 1986

On the null-controllability of linear discrete-time systems with restrained controls, J. Optim. Theory Appl. 50 (1986), 313 - 329.

Linear periodic systems : Controllability with restrained controls, Appl. Math. Optim. 14 (1986), 173 - 195.

Some remarks on the global controllability of linear discrete-time systems with bounded controls, Bollet. Uni. Mat. Italiana, Anal. Funz. Appl., Serie VI, V (1986), 245 - 254.

Construction of input-output tableaux for economic regions and its applications to economic planning, Tạp chí Kinh tế vùng 2 (1986), 25 - 30 (in Vietnamese).

Two common fixed point theorems for contractive mappings in probabilistic metric spaces, Mathematica (Cluj) 28 (1986), No 2, 133 - 142.

A generalization of a coincidence theorem of Hadzic, Studia Univ. Babes-Bolyai Math. 31 (1986), No 2, 24 - 26.

Contributions to the fixed point theory for contractive and condensing mappings in metric and probabilistic metric spaces, Dr. Sc. Thesis, Warszawa, 1986.

Trivalent graphic primitive minimal transitive permutation groups, Vestsi Akad. Navuk BSSR, Ser. Fiz.-Mat. Navuk 6 (1986), 32 - 37 (in Russian).

On imprimitive nilpotent irregular minimal transitive groups which are cubic graphical, In: Proc. Symp. Math. Found. Comp. Sci. and Data Security, Hanoi, July 4-6, 1986, 113 - 117 (in Vietnamese).

A conjecture on the singular spectrum of plane curves, Tạp chí Toán học 14 (1986), 1 - 8 (in Vietnamese).

Concave minimization under linear constraints, Kibernetika 2 (1986), 49 - 53 (in Russian).

An alternative approach to multiply self-decomposable prob measures on Banach spaces, . Probab. Rel. Fields 72 (1986), 35 - 54.

Prediction of strictly stationary processes in L1, In: Proc. of the 1st World Congress of the Bernoulli Society Tashkent, 2 (1986), 738 - 740.

Towards a theory of generalized Cohen-Macaulay modules, Nagoya Math. J. 102 (1986), 1 - 49.

Banach-Steinhaus principle for convex multivalued mappings, Math. Nachr. 126 (1986), 45 - 54

Randon quasivariational inequality, Math. Nachr. 125 (1986), 319 - 328.

Measurable solution of mathematical programming problems, Math. Nachr. 126 (1986), 275 - 279.

Generalized probabilistic metric space and fixed point theorems, Math. Nachr. 126 (1986), 205 - 218.

On the existence of positive eigenvalues for a triplet of nonlinear and noncompact mappings, Math. Nachr. 128 (1986), 181 - 196

Some applications of degree theory to bifurcation problems, Z. Anal. Anwendungen 4 (1986), 347 - 366