Công bố năm 1986

Selection of efficient points, Optimization 17 (1986), 227 - 236

On scalarizing method in vector optimization, In: Lecture Notes in Econ. Math. Systems, Springer Verlag, 273 (1986), 149 - 155.

Random version of the theorems of the alternative, Math. Nachr. 129 (1986), 149 - 155.

Duality in dynamic programming, Kửzlemény, MTA SZTAKI 35 (1986), 89 - 104.

On the differential boundary value problem of linear conjugation of Q-holomorphic vectors, Reports of Extended Seminar of I. Vekua Institute of Applied Mathematics 2 (1986), N0 1, 50 - 53 (in Russian).

Absolutely summing operators and measure amarts in Fréchet spaces, Ann. Sci. Univ. Clermont-Ferrand II, Sér. Probability and Appl. 2 (1986), 49 - 71.

The best approxiation in LE1, Tạp chí Toán học 14 (1986), 29 - 33 (in Vietnamese).

Asymptotic martingales and their applications, In: Proc. of the 3-rd National Congress of Math., Hanoi 1986, Vol. I, 47 - 52 (in Vietnamese).

Representation theorems for multivalued (regular) L1-amarts, Math. Scand. 58 (1986), 5 - 22.

A convergent algorithm for solving linear programs with an additional reverse convex constraint, Kybernetika 91 (1986), 418 - 425 (in Russian).

An augmented penalty function method for solving a class of variational inequalities, Soviet Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics 12 (1986), 1788 - 1796.

On dual integral equations involving Fourier transform, Ukrain. Math. J. 38 (1986), 188 - 195 (in Russian).

Controllability in multivalued discrete-time processes, Kibernetika, USSR 5(1986), 62-67. English translation: Cybernetics 22 (1986), 610 - 615.

Controllability theory of dynamical discrete-time systems, Avtomatika i Telemekhanika, USSR 1(1986), English translation: Automat Remote Control 47 (1986), 1 - 23.

Asymptotic almost periodicity and compactifying representations of semigroups, Ukrain. Mat. Zh. 38 (1986), 688 - 692 (in Russian).

Einige notwendige Optimalitatsbedingungen fur einfache regulare Aufgaben der optimalen Steuerung, Z. Anal. Anwendungen 5 (1986), 465 - 475.

On limit laws of sums of independent random elements, Ph. D. Thesis, Institute of Mathematics, Hanoi, 1986 (in Vietnamese).

Sufficient conditions for capture in differential games of pursuit of an evader by several pursuers, Kibernetika 1986, No6, 91 - 97 (in Russian); English transl.: Cybernetics, 22 (1986), 795 - 803.

The stationary filtration problem for earth dams systems whose filtration coefficients can be separated, Reposts of Seminar of I. Vekua Institute of Applied Mathematics 1986, N0 2, 65 - 68 (in Russian).

A surjectivity theorem for set-valued maps, Bolletino U. M. I., Analisi Funzionale e Applicazioni Sere VI, Vol. V-C (1986), 411 - 436.