Công bố năm 1985

Composition structure of some integral transformations of convolution type, Reports of the Extended Sessions of a Seminar of the I.N. Vekua Inst. of Appl. Math. 1 (1985), 139 - 142 (in Russian).

Concave minimization under linear constraints with a special structure, Optimization 16 (1985), 335 - 352

Minimizing a convex function over the complement of a convex set, In: Proceedings of the IX Symposium on Operations Research, Osnabruck, Methods of Operations Research, 49 (1985), 85 - 99

A finite algorithm for solving linear programs with an additional reverse convex constraint, In: Nondifferentiable Optimization: Motivations and Applications, (V. F. Demyanov and D. Pallaschke eds.), Lecture Notes in Economics and Math. Systems, 225 (1985), Springer-Verlag, 291 - 302

Ensembles code-compatibles et une généralisation du théorème de Sardinas-patter son, Theoret. Comput. Sci. 38 (1985), 123 - 132

Sur les ensembles générateurs minimaux des sous-monoùdes de A, C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Série I 300 (1985), 443 - 446

Cauchy problems for systems of PDEs with a distinguished variable, Dokl. Acad. Nauk SSSR 284 (1985), 1080 - 1083; English transl.: Soviet Math. Dokl. 32 (1985), 562 - 565

Fixed point theorems for random multivalued mappings, Mat. Zametki 38 (1985), 257 - 264 (in Russian).

A remark on the Clarke tangent cone., Acta Math. Vietnam. 10 (1985), 144 - 147

Some remark on IMSL, Sci. Publ. Vietnam. NCSR 1 (1985), 1-6