Công bố năm 1985

Theorem of the alternative and applications in multiobjective optimization, Acta Math. Hungar. 45 (1985), 311 - 320.

Best approximations in the space of Bochner integrable functions, Math. Nachr. 121 (1985), 287 - 293.

Amarts of finite order and Pettis Cauchy sequences of Bochner integrable functions in locally convex spaces, Ann. Sci. Univ. Clermont-Ferrand II, Sér. Probability and Appl. 3 (1985), 91 - 105.

The Radon-Nikodym property and convergence of amarts in Fréchet spaces, Ann. Sci. Univ. Clermont-Ferrand II, Sér. Probability and Appl. 3 (1985), 1 - 19.

Quelques résultats de convergence des amarts multivoques dans les espaces de Banach, C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Série I 300 (1985), 23 - 26.

Quelques résultats de représentation des amarts uniformes multivoques dans les espaces de Banach, C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Série I 300 (1985), 63 - 65.

Stability and convergence of amarts in Fréchet spaces, Acta Math. Hungar. 45 (1985), 99 - 106.

Some Pettis mean convergence theorems for multivalued amarts of finite order in Banach spaces, In: Seminaire d'Analyse Convexe, Montpellier 1985, Exp. 3, 1 - 20.

On the first-order sufficient optimality conditions, Tạp chí Toán học 13 (1985), 13 - 18 (in Vietnamese).

Existence globale des solutions des equations de Vlasov-Poisson relativistes en dimention 3, Comptes Rendus Acad. Sci. Paris, Série I 301 (1985), 265 - 268.

Condition d’existence du produit de deux distributions, Acta Math. Vietnam. 10 (1985), 252 - 262.

Hyperspaces of finite subsets which are homeomorphic to N0 dimensional linear metric spaces, Topology Appl. 19 (1985), 251 - 260.

On the controllability of nonlinear two parameter discrete-time systems with constrained controls, Optimization 16 (1985), 869 - 876.

On the theory of spectral operators of scalar type on Banach spaces., Math. Nachr. 121 (1985), 319 - 344 (in Russian).

Lineare Steuerungsprobleme mit engen Zustandsbereichen, Optimization 16 (1985), 273 - 284.

Losung einer eindimensionalen regulọren Aufgaben der optimalen Steuerung mit engen Zustandsbereichen anhand der Methode der Bereichsanalyse, Optimization 16 (1985), 431 - 438.

Global controllability of linear autonomous systems: a geometric consideration, Systems Control Lett. 6 (1985), 207 - 212.

On the null-controllability of infinite dimensional discrete-time systems, Acta Math. Vietnam. 10 (1985), 3 - 14.

On a method for estimating technical coefficients in the input- output model, Tạp chí Khoa học Tính toán và Điều khiển 1 (1985), 8 - 12 (in Vietnamese).

Minimization of a concave function under linear constraints, Economics and Math. Methods 11 (1985), 709 - 714 (in Russian).