Công bố năm 1991

Effect of the subdivision strategy on convergence and efficiency of some global optimization algorithms, J. Global Optim. 1 (1991), 23 - 36

Polyhedral annexation, dualization and dimension reduction technique in global optimization, J. Global Optim. 1 (1991), 229 - 244

On the Cauchy problems for systems of partial differential equations with a distinguished variable, Numer. Funct. Anal. Optim. 12 (1991), 213 - 236

Sur l irregularite du diagramme splice pour l entrelacement a l infini des courbes planes, C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Serie 1, 313 (1991), 277 - 280

A formula for Lojasiewicz numbers and a new characterization of the irregularity at infinity of algebraic plane curves, Vietnam J. Math. 19 (1991), 72 - 82

On implicit function theorems for set-valued maps and their application to mathematical programming under inclusion constraints, Appl. Math. Optim. 24 (1991), 35 - 54

New proof for a theorem of F. Giannessi, J. Optim. Theory Appl. 68 (1991), 385 - 387

On a class of Watson multidimensional integral transforms, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR 317 (1991), 797 - 800; English transl.: Soviet Math. Dokl. 43 (1991), 508 - 510

An algorithm for indefinite quadratic programming with convex constraints, Operations Resarch Letters 10 (1991), 323 - 327

Some approximative problems for nonlinear inequalities, Uspekhi Matematicheskikh Nauk, 46 (1991) (in Russian).