Công bố năm 1983

On the pursuit process in linear differential games, Acta Math. Vietnam. 8 (1983), 41 - 57.

On p-adic meromorphic functions, Duke Math. J. 50 (1983), 695 - 711.

p-adic Interpolation and continuation of p-adic functions, Lecture Notes in Math. 1013 (1983), 252 - 265

p-adic analysis and p-adic L-functions associated to modular forms, Dr. Sc. Thesis, Steklov Math. Inst., Moscow 1983 (in Russian).

On Nash equilibrium II, Acta Math. Hungar. 41 (1983), 61 - 66.

Duality in programming under probabilistic constraints with random technology matrix., Probl. Contr. Infor. Theory 12 (1983), 429 - 437.

Contributions to the duality in mathematical programming, Ph.D. Thesis, Budapest, 1983.

Approximate solution to filtration problem in porous medium with many layers by the method of staight lines, Tạp chí Toán học 11 (1983), 23 - 29 (in Vietnamese).

Some typical examples in the theory of multivalued martingales, (in Vietnamese).

Convergence of amarts of finite order, Math. Nachr. 113 (1983), 39 - 45.

Asymtotic regularity and the strong convergence of the proximal point algorithm, Acta Math. Vietnam. 8 (1983), 3 - 11 (1984).

A necessary condition of hypoellipticity for the second order degenerate equations with the characteristic form of variable sign, Ukrain. Math. J. 35 (1983), 333 - 141 (in Russian).

Some problems of the theory of paired series equations, Ukrain. Math. J. 35 (1983), 641 - 644 (in Russian).

Fuzzy set-valued mappings and fixed point theorems, Acta Math. Vietnam. 8 (1983), 73 - 88.

Controllability of discrete-time systems with nonconvex restrained controls, Optimization 14 (1983), 371 - 375.

Controllability of nonlinear two-parametric discrete-time systems, Probl. Optim. ASU, Bacu, USSR (1983), 171 - 179 (in Russian).

Methoden zur Losung von Aufgaben der optimalen Steuerung mit engen Zustandsbereichen, Dissertation, Universitọt Leipzig, 1983.

A methods of superiority in differential games of pursuit of one evader by several pursuers, Problems of Optimization and ACS 1983, 150 - 157.

Optimization of discrete systems, Acta Math. Vietnam. 8 (1983), 89 - 108.

Bui The Tam and Vu Thien Ban, An outer approximation method for globally minimizing a concave function over a compact convex set. Acta Math. Vietnam. 8 (1983), 21 - 40.