Công bố năm 1976

Phạm Trà Ân, Phan Đình Diệu, Probabilistic automata with a time-variant structure, Elektron. Informationsverarb. Kybernet. 12 (1976), 3 - 27

Phan Văn Chương, On an approximation theorem for set-valued mappings, Acta Math. Vietnam. 1 (1976), 97 - 104

Bùi Công Cường, Remarks on Walras equilibrium existence theorem, Bul. Bulletin de l'Académie Polonaise des Sciences. Série des Sciences Mathématiques, Astronomiques et Physiques, 26:5 (1976), 349 - 351

Bùi Công Cường, The minimax theorem and existence of equilibrium 1, Tap chi Toan hoc (1976), 30 - 33 (in Vietnamese).

Bùi Công Cường, The minimax theorem and existence of equilibrium 2, Tap chi Toan hoc (1976), 36 - 45 (in Vietnamese).

Hoàng Đình Dung, Formula of summing representation for the equation $\Delta \Detal\Psi$ - 2k in the unbounded region, J. of Methods of Math. Phys. Hanoi, 1 (1976), 5 - 17 (in Vietnamese).

Hoàng Đình Dung, Determine of eigenvalues and eigenvectors for some diagonal matrices, Tap chi Toan hoc 4 (1976), 10 - 17 (in Vietnamese).

Nguyễn Văn Gia, On a property of contravariant p-vector of weight + 1 and its application, Acta Math. Vietnam. 1 (1976), 105-111 (in Vietnamese).

Đinh Văn Huỳnh, Uber artinschen Ringe, die noethersch sind, Publ. Math. Debrecen 23 (1976), 23 - 25

Đinh Văn Huỳnh, A. Kertész, Uber linksnoetherche Ringe, dielinksartinsch sind, Publ. Math. Debrecen 23 (1976), 335 - 337

Đinh Văn Huỳnh, Uber Ringe mit eingeschrọnkter Minimalbedingung hoherer Stufe fur Rechtsideale I, Math. Nachr. 71 (1976), 227 - 235

Đinh Văn Huỳnh, Uber einen Satz von A. Kertész, Acta Math. Acad. Sc. Hungar. 28 (1976), 73 - 75

Đinh Văn Huỳnh, Alfred Widiger, Uber eingeschrọnkt regulọre Ringe, Beitr. Alg. Geometr. 5 (1976), 7 - 13

Trần Gia Lịch, B. T. Hoang, V. M. Đuc, Calculation of the unsteady flows on river or open channel systems, Tập san Toán học (1976), 80 - 90 (in Vietnamese).

On the filtration problem in nonhomogeneous porous medium with impervious sheetpile, Acta Math. Vietnam 1 (1976), 72 - 79 (in Russian).

Ngô Văn Lược, Summary representation formulas of biharmonic functions, Tạp chí Toán học 4 (1976), 21 - 29 (in Vietnamese).

Ngô Văn Lược, Summary representation formulas of partial differential equations of fourth order, Tạp chí Toán học 4 (1976), 1 - 9 (in Vietnamese).

Phạm Hữu Sách, Controllability in set-valued processes, Differ. Uravn. 12 (1976), 484 - 493 (in Russian).

Phạm Hữu Sách, On the control theory of processes given by set valued maps, Kibernetika 1976, 107 - 116 (in Russian).