Xuất bản mới
Cấn Văn Hảo, Naoki Kubota, Shuta Nakajima, Lipschitz-Type Estimate for the Frog Model with Bernoulli Initial Configuration, Mathematical Physics, Analysis and Geometry, Volume 28, article number 1, (2025) (SCI-E, Scopus) .
Đoàn Thái Sơn, Phan Thị Hương, Peter E. Kloeden, Theta-scheme for solving Caputo fractional differential equations, Electronic Journal of Differential Equations, Vol. 2025 (2025), No. 05, pp. 1-13 (SCI-E, Scopus) .
Đinh Sĩ Tiệp, Guo Feng, Nguyễn Hồng Đức, Phạm Tiến Sơn, Computation of the Łojasiewicz exponents of real bivariate analytic functions, Manuscripta Mathematica . Volume 176, 1 (2025) (SCI-E, Scopus) .

Double coverings and integral local system cohomology of hyperplane arrangements

Người báo cáo: Sakumi Sugawara (Hokkaido University)

Time: 9:00 - 10:00 (VN time), 11:00-12:00 (Japan time) 16th February

Venue: Room 507, A6, Institute of Mathematics

Online (Zoom):


Meeting ID: 821 9150 0949

Passcode: 123456

Abstract: It is a central question in the topology of hyperplane arrangements whether several topological invariants are combinatorially determined, for example, the rank of twisted cohomology groups of the complement, and the torsions in the homology of Milnor fibers or covering spaces. In this talk, we give a formula on the 2-torsion of double coverings, which refines the formula conjectured by Papadima-Suciu. We also discuss the recent study on integral local system cohomology groups of arrangements. This is partially joint work with Suguru Ishibashi (Arise analytics, inc.) and Masahiko Yoshinaga (Osaka University)