Vanishing and Non-negativity of the First Normal Hilbert Coefficient
Linquan Ma , Pham Hung Quy
Let $(R,\mathfrak {m})$ be a Noetherian local ring such that $\widehat{R}$ is reduced. We prove that, when $\widehat{R}$ is $S_2$, if there exists a parameter ideal $Q\subseteq R$ such that $\bar{e}_1(Q)=0$, then $R$ is regular and $\nu (\mathfrak {m}/Q)\le 1$. This leads to an affirmative answer to a problem raised by Goto-Hong-Mandal [Goto, S., Hong, J., Mandal, M.: The positivity of the first coefficients of normal Hilbert polynomials. Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 139(7), 2399–2406 (2011)]. We also give an alternative proof (in fact a strengthening) of their main result. In particular, we show that if $\widehat{R}$ is equidimensional, then $\bar{e}_1(Q)\ge 0$ for all parameter ideals $Q\subseteq R$, and in characteristic $p>0$, we actually have $e_1^*(Q)\ge 0$. Our proofs rely on the existence of big Cohen-Macaulay algebras.