
Acta Mathematica Vietnamica

On Some Classes of Weighted Spaces of Weakly Holomorphic Functions

icon-email Thai Thuan Quang


Let $v$ be a weight on a domain $D$ in a metrizable locally convex space $E$ and $F$ be a complete locally convex space. Denote by $H_v(D, F)$ the weighted space of $F$-valued holomorphic functions on $D$ satisfying that $v.f$ is bounded, $A_v(D)$ subspace of $H_v(D, \mathbb C)$ with the unit ball is compact for the open-compact topology. The aim of this paper is to study linearization theorems and approximation properties in several different topologies for weighted spaces $A_v(D, F)$ of functions $f\in H_v(D, F)$ such that $u∘f\in A_v(D)$ for every continuous linear functional $u$ on $F$.