B-Spline Quasi-Interpolation Sampling Representation and Sampling Recovery in Sobolev Spaces of Mixed Smoothness
Dinh Dũng
We proved direct and inverse theorems on B-spline quasi-interpolation sampling representation with a Littlewood-Paley-type norm equivalence in Sobolev spaces $W^r_p$ of mixed smoothness $r$. Based on this representation, we established estimates of the approximation error of recovery in $L_q$-norm of functions from the unit ball $U^r_p$ in the spaces $W^r_p$ by linear sampling algorithms and the asymptotic optimality of these sampling algorithms in terms of Smolyak sampling width $r^s_n(U^r_p, L_q)$ and sampling width $r_n(U^r_p, L_q)$.