The Zero Loci of $F$-triangles
Kyoji Saito
We are interested in the zero locus of a Chapoton’s $F$-triangle as a polynomial in two real variables $x$ and $y$. An expectation is that (1) the $F$-triangle of rank $l$ as a polynomial in $x$ for each fixed $y\in [0,1]$ has exactly $l$ distinct real roots in $[0,1]$, and (2) ith root $x_i(y)$ $(1\geq i\geq l)$ as a function on $y\in [0,1]$ is monotone decreasing. In order to understand these phenomena, we slightly generalized the concept of $F$-triangles and study the problem on the space of such generalized triangles. We analyze the case of low rank in details and show that the above expectation is true. We formulate inductive conjectures and questions for further rank cases. This study gives a new insight on the zero loci of $f^+$- and $f$-polynomials.